Emotional regulation is a skill we all need to prioritise!
What is your ability to bounce back from any setback, crisis and even total failure?
How do you perceive failure? And are you able to let go and move on?
“We build our resilience by learning to cope with challenges — it’s a process of adapting well in the face of trauma, tragedy or significant stress. Over time, successful people learn not only how to overcome, but to embrace these challenges. They understand that each crisis they face is a chance to learn and grow.”

- Learn to ride the waves!
Using my favourite hobby as an analogy, regulating one’s emotions is a bit like learning to surf a wave, possibly even in a storm.
When you start out, it’s better to surf a small wave first. In other words, when feeling overwhelmed, ask yourself what is the first small step you could make without taking too many risks. Then build it up until you’re able to ride those waves. - It’s not what happens, its how you frame it!
For me, this is one of the most important skills when talking about resilience. There are many things, if not most things, that are beyond our control in life. We always have the choice to look at a certain situation, we control the way we look at things and how we react and respond. - Accept your emotions and let go!
We have a tendency to label emotions such as negative and positive.
But every emotion has a clear function, it’s telling us something.
The emotions are not the problem as we are all human beings, the problem is most of the time how we respond.
Just like a surfer, we all have wipe-outs or what we label as negative thoughts, feelings or emotions, accept it and move on!
If you don’t let go of negative emotions, they get lodged in your brain, you live in the past, you get frustrated or even angry. Poor emotional regulation can quickly lead to illnesses.
- Be very selective, resilient people are laser focused on their priorities; they know what fuels them and what drains their energy.
- Embrace change and see it as an opportunity to grow!
“Your mindset and attitude for approaching a problem can make a huge difference in how resilient you are. Pay attention to looping negative thoughts that suck you into a downward spiral. Catch yourself when you’re slipping into stress-inducing patterns of thinking.”
Successful people build resilience by accepting that change will come.
They focus on being prepared for change and they learn to adapt and adjust when change is imminent.

In conclusion, this is really something we can all work on by becoming more aware of our feelings, thoughts and emotions.