To maintain a healthy, well-balanced life, we all need to manage our ‘inner fire’. A good flow of energy is essential.

FAABULOUSSTUFF provides useful tools, knowledge and skills to help you, your managers and teams understand how different requirements are needed for the various phases of igniting, feeding and managing your fires.

Tailormade work outs and coaching sessions are designed for empowering one’s professional and personal life.

Fire & Ice work outs

Fabiana gently guides participants in getting comfortable with the uncomfortable during their exposure to the cold, explaining how the ‘mindset, breath and body’ work together to help people ignite their ‘Fire’.

In consultation with the stakeholders, Fabiana designs a bespoke Work Out for each group that includes the philosophy and practice. Popular topics are how to improve emotional intelligence and the role of conscious breathing.

Subject to the desired duration and intensity, it may include basic cold exposure (face & hands) or could even work up to a day’s event with an ice bath.

Participants benefit enormously from Fabiana’s experience as a Level 3 Wim Hof Method Instructor,

bespoke consulting

During our consultations, we’ll step through each of these phases to identify areas that need to be adjusted, ramped up or possibly replaced.


As innovative entrepreneurs, we help clients pinpoint the requirements they’ll need to:

  • start & (new) business
  • launch a new product
  • make changes in their personal life

We walk through the process of identifying your purpose and the real motivation behind your dreams, visions and goals. By identifying the ‘why’, we are able to clarify the ‘how’, ‘what’ and ‘where’.


Once your project or business has started, building momentum helps it grow. We ensure you’ve got the best systems in place for success.

There is a fine art to controlling the fire to ensure it doesn’t snuff out due to a lack of energy, or burn so intensely that you and your business burn out. We match the intensity of the fire to its purpose.


Clients who have been in business for a while appreciate our brainstorming sessions for troubleshooting and finding more effective ways of managing their businesses, teams or personal lives. Which area needs feeding, or perhaps a good dousing because it’s getting out of hand?

Take a step back with us to observe and assess the health of your creation. We’ll identify appropriate measures you can implement to achieve sustainable, long-term success.

helping you manage the energy that fires up your PROFESSIONAL and personal life

This training was my first time experimenting with the cold 🥶 which I am not a huge fan of and what a rewarding day it was. Fabiana was patient and kind but also hugely motivating and inspiring. She simplified everything, gave us great perspective on the experience overall and made sure we had time to connect and laugh as a group.

I am a holistic wellness expert but this training was definitely out of my comfort zone! but WOW! 1 week on I was still feeling the positive impact on my body and mind and am now actively planning how I integrate the full ice bath routine into my life. I learnt a lot about myself in those few short hours and am definitely more connected and kinder as a result.

Isobel Mcmahon, Holistic Wellness Expert